Looking at the
list of things to do in Crete is quite daunting, once you get over pages and
pages of ancient Minoan settlements and the endless array of beaches you are
left with things like the cave of Zeus and the Lasithi plateau – a flat plane
at an altitude of just under 2000m covered in windmills and used predominantly
for agriculture – for this trip we thought it would be nice to visit the oldest
olive tree on the island.
The tree is so
old that it predates most modern faiths - Christianity and Islam included!
Finding the tree proved to be an interesting experience. First we had to find
the village of ‘Kavousi’ between Agios Nikolas and Sitia, then we had to try to
find the signs for the tree, but of course we didn’t need the signs … we had
three back seat drivers and a front seat one too … we were good! Naturally this
meant that we ended up in completely the wrong place! However in doing so we
rather accidently found quite a stunning view! Eventually after half an hour of
driving along just about every lane there was in the surrounding area we by
chance came across a sign. Several signs and quite a few potholes later we
found the tree.
The tree is
actually a minor celebrity, it gave a few of its young branches to the 2004
Olympic games, they were used to make a wreath which was presented to the
female winner of the marathon.
Standing at the
base of the tree I have to admit to being in awe of it, I thought to myself,
imagine the stories that this tree could tell if only it knew how. The tree has
survived countless battles, invasions, wars and political crises, perhaps there
is hope for us all yet!
The tree is
located just above the village of Kavousi on the Agios Nikolas – Sitia road.
Signs on the mountain side of the road will point you to the right turning.
While you do not need a 4x4 to get to it I would recommend a car which is slightly
higher off the ground as the road is neither tar nor concrete and made for some
very careful driving.
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